Choose the HR Service to be a Confident Employer and Achieve Your Goals for Your Construction and Trades Business
What is Standing in Your Way
Tired of the relentless tide of personnel-related distractions and HR disruptions? Worry about losing valued employees or getting sidetracked by unexpected business issues? What about confronting the complexity of employment laws or the pitfalls of employee appraisals and compensation? When you shoulder the burden of HR, you defer your progress toward your goals for business expansion, succession, and sale. The upshot? You have the power to quickly and effortlessly free yourself from these frustrations right now and start to focus on your priorities.

Three Proven Services
With WorkforceWins HR Services, you will be freed from the frustration, fear and doubt that comes from being an Employer. You will be empowered to drive customer experience, profitability, and growth — and to reach your goals for expansion, succession, and sale. We have three proven services that are designed to meet the needs of Construction & Trades Business Owners like you.
With our core service called WorkforceLogistics, we fully re-set and take over your Company’s HR Management function so you can focus on customer experience and reaching your companys’s potential. Click here to learn more.
Built on the foundations of WorkforceLogistics, with our H&SLogistics service we re-set your Health & Safety Program and ensure that it is fully compliant and consistently implemented going forward. Click here to learn more.
Our TalentLogistics Employee Retention and Attraction system retains valued employees, provides strong positive differentiation for your company to attract new employees, and delivers a stable, committed workforce. Click here to learn more.
What Makes Us Different
Progressive Owners Trust WorkforceWins
A collective of progressive Construction and Trades Business Owners enlists WorkforceWins’ comprehensive HR services so that they can focus on customer experience, business results and their long-term goals for their business.

Predictable and Affordable Pricing
We know that pricing needs to be both predictable and affordable to make sense. Our all-inclusive, per-employee pricing model means that everything that we do — and the BambooHR software that supports it — are included, with only a few, clear exceptions.
It’s All About You
At WorkforceWins we know that progressive Construction and Trades business owners want to deliver an exceptional customer experience, grow and be profitable, and ultimately reach their goals for business expansion, succession, and/or sale. To do that, you need to have the time and energy necessary to build your business and a workforce that can support your efforts.
The problem is that most business owners face a daily deluge of personnel-related distractions and business disruptions, rack up unexpected HR costs and question what they can and can’t do as an employer. This makes you feel discouraged that you’re never making any meaningful progress and have no affordable, effective options to get help.
We believe that HR has no right to be the greatest obstacle to achieving your vision. We understand that traditional options such as consultants, internal HR capacity, software, advisory services, and do-it-yourself toolkits are all just half measures that don’t tackle the core problem and ultimately fail to deliver genuine value.
Which is why we designed comprehensive HR Services expressly for owners progressive business owners. We assume the day-to-day management of your HR in 90 days while you remain fully in control. This single service combines the expertise, administrative and management capacity, software and best practices. Best of all, is its affordable, all-inclusive, per-employee subscription fee which ensures no surprises, ever.
So, book a no-obligation demo and quote where we will examine your ownership journey, hear about your future goals, and demonstrate how WorkforceWins’ HR Services can liberate and motivate you to get there. A no-obligation quote will follow. In the meantime, request a brochure for full details on our services for progressive pharmacy owners.
So you can stop being stuck in the negative cycle of employer-related frustration fear and doubt and instead harness the time and energy available to finally pursue your vision and love being a business owner again.
Book a Demo & Quote Now
Make your move from the frustration, fear and doubt of being an employer and enjoy the empowerment and confidence that will free you to deliver exceptional customer experience, achieve desired profitability and growth, and reach your goals for business expansion, succession and sale.